Did you miss The Daily Jot? I took off Monday because I was beyond tired after we finished The Third Estate Sunday Review and needed a break, we all did. And since I still get e-mails whenever I don't have a post up first thing in the morning, I made the decision that on Tuesday, I'd post late to get the point across that The Daily Jot doesn't have to go up in the morning. I'd like it to. It's like brushing my teeth, something I'd like to deal with first thing but sometimes that can't happen.
Cartoon is Isaiah's "Bully Boy Exposed" from his The World Today Just Nuts comic strip.
It should make you chuckle. It made me laugh.
And I'm going to jot a bit about "The Common Ills Year in Review 2005." Hope you already caught that. It's a great look back at the issues that mattered in 2005 and the people who made a difference. And thanks to Joey and Kara (and C.I.) for thinking two things I did were worth noting in that. I read "The Common Ills Year in Review 2005" and didn't just get a sense of some headlines but saw how much the country went through in 2005 and how much the people woke up. I enjoyed hearing people's picks for what stood out and why. So if you haven't check it out, here's the link one more time "The Common Ills Year in Review 2005"
I'm going to be noting Isaiah's comic strip for the next three Jots, by the way. I think he was an important voice in 2005 and he provided us with laughter while making us think. Today's comic was picked because it does reflect 2005, Bully Boy was exposed for what he was.
the world today just nuts
the common ills
2005 in review