"We just spent last weekend, and in particular Monday,
honoring our nation's defenders that are no longer with us. Now it's
time for us to renew our focus on those who still need our help in
securing a good job," declared US House Rep Jeff Miller drawing this
morning's House Veterans Affairs Committee hearing to order. The
hearing explored the VOW To Hire Heroes Act which Chair Miller hailed as "an excellent example of what we can do when we all work together."
Committee heard from VA's Under Secretary for Benefits Allison Hickey
who was accomanied by VA's Curtis Coy and they heard from the Labor
Dept's Acting Assistant Secretary of Veterans Employment and Training
Ishmael Ortiz who was accompanied by Kathy Tran. Why the hearing?
Jeff Miller: While I am impressed by the level of effort being made by
program level staff at both departments, I am concerned that not enough
is being done by either cabinet secretaries [VA Secretary Eric
Shinseki, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis] or the President [Barack Obama]
himself to promote this benefit. Getting the message out about this
opportunity is critically important to putting unemployed veterans on a
path to a job in a high-demand field. Clearly, aggressive promotion by
the nearly three thousand One Stop Employment Centers are the key to
filling the 99,000 training slots that have been authorized by the VOW
Act. I want to give you just one example -- one example of why I am
concerned that despite VA's significant outreach efforts -- for which I
commend them -- problems are still arising. Staff was contacted by a
community-based organization in Georgia about what appears to be a lack
of effort to get the program started. Shortly after the passage of
the VOW Act, the organization contacted the Augusta One Stop Employment
Center about how to enroll unemployed vets in the program. They asked
again in mid-March and the DVOPS and LVERs were still not aware of the
program. Two weeks later, Augusta told them the Georgia Department of
Labor was not aware of VRAP. In early April, both the Georgia and South
Carolina Departments of Labor stated they were waiting for policy from
DC. In late April, there still appeared to be little understanding of
how the program would work. It appears that finally, on May 11th, 2012,
a mass e-mail from VA was released detailing how the program would be
implemented, only 4 days later on May 15th. Obviously, if that is
typical of the level of awareness at the One Stop Centers, I think we
all agree we've got big problems with the potential launch coming up
On the subject of veterans
hiring, the Dept of Labor is holding a Veterans Hiring Fair next week on
Wednesday, June 6th. It will be at the Great Hall of the Frances
Perkins US Dept of Labor Building on 200 Constitution Ave. starting at
ten in the morning and ending at one in the afternoon. So that's just
three hours and they're hoping for a large turnout. After this
morning's hearing, I went to talk to a friend at the Labor Dept to make
sure I understood some of the issues from the hearing. When I brought
up Miller's solid issue of getting the word out, I was told that even in
DC it can be a struggle to get the word out and that job fair was used
as an example. So I'm including it here at the top. You will need
veteran i.d. to enter the job fair. And it is open to all adult
veterans. Repeating, that's next week on Wednesday.
for FYI purposes, we'll note Allison Hickey's opening remarks regarding
Veterans Retraining Assistance Program applications:
and the Department of Labor collaboratively developed the VRAP
application process and the requirements for the information technology
system changes to support this process. To efficiently leverage
existing systems, VA modifided its application for VA education benefits
for use by the VRAP applicatns. The VRAP application is available
online at www.benefits.va.gov/VOW,
a web site developed specifically for portions of the VOW to Hire
Heroes Act. This site can be accessed through eBenefits, the GI Bill
web site, DoL web sites and numerous other web sites. Additionally,
Veterans can visit their local DoL One-Stop Career Center locations for application assistance. Applications can be submitted through VA's Veterans Online Application web site.
To be eliglbe for participation, DoL must determine that the applicant
is unemployed, not enrolled in any federal or state job-training program
and is between the ages of 35 aand 60. VA verifies the applicant's
veteran status and type of discharge, and confirms that the applicant
has no other VA education benefits available for use, and is not in
receipt of compensation for a service-connected disability rated totally
disabling by reason of unemployability. After eligibility has been
established, the applicant identifies his or her intended high-demand
occupation category and applicable training institution. Information
about the high-demand occupations, identified by DoL, is availabe on VA's VOW to Hire Heroes web site as well as DoL's web site.
his opening remarks, Ortiz noted that the Labor Dept had "repurposed
approximately $5.4 million of our 2012 Project Year Budget in order to
implement the provisions of the VOW Act." This statement in passing led
to the first question.
Chair Jeff
Miller: I was just asking staff a question. You talk about repurposing
five-plus million dollars to assist. Was it not funded properly in the
legislation? Where's the money that the legislation appropriated?
Just trying to figure out why would you need additional -- to repurpose
additional money?
Tran: There were several provisions that did not have -- that
appropriated funds were not included in. So for example, the section
222 study on equivalency is one example.
had indicated Kathy Tran should speak to the question. She did. But
it wasn't really clear. The Chair would say he was still trying to
figure out this money issue and that this was paid for in the
legislation but then he would note that people behind Tran were shaking
their heads "no" on that last part.
let's delve into that. Tran's referring to the fact that the
legislation required the Dept of Labor to identify skill equivlance
between military and civilian employment. Was this fully funded?
That's one of the questions I asked when I went to the Dept of Labor
today. No, it wasn't funded at all, I was told, and the Labor Dept had
to take from their budget for it. In addition to the five million
budgeted, more money will likely be spent on this because the study is
not yet completed -- and, again, the legislation requires this study
take place. The Labor Dept is hoping to piggybag on a DoD study. If
they're able to, that would reduce the cost.
addition to wanting to know if the study was funded, Chair Miller also
wanted to know what happened in this program -- limited to 99,000 -- if
someone signed up, was accepted and ended up having to drop out due to
some reason.
Chair Jeff Miller: What
happens if a veteran enters the program and he drops out? Is that
counted a "used slot"? Or, if there's still funding left, can that be
reallocated to another veteran?
Hickey: Chairman Miller, we have been -- We have been instructed that,
uh, that it works similar to the other Mongtogmery GI Bill and other GI
bills and when that veteran drops then that authority drops in the
99,000 that are available.
Chair Jeff Miller: Drops in or?
Hickey: So if the veteran -- I apologize, Mr. Chairman, let me be a
little more clear about that. If the veteran applies and then doesn't
fulfill the whole year's worth of training and let's say they stop
mid-pointm then that is one of the 99,000 and we cannot recycle the
rest of that benefit on to a different veteran.
Chair Jeff Miller: Is that right?
Allison Hickey: Sir, I think that's the provision of the law that has been laid out for us so that's the way we're working it.
Jeff Miller: Sounds like the provision needs to be corrected, doesn't
it? Would you recommend that that slot be re-allocated?
Hickey: Chairman Miller, from my perspective, from the advocacy that
we have in VA for all veterans, we would certainly like to see every
dollar that you all have put towards this be used to train veterans so
if you are inclined to do something different in the legislation, we
would be happy to consider that.
Chair Jeff Miller: That's a great political answer. [Laughter.] I appreciate that.
Post-9/11 GI Bill is one of the pieces of legislation that was passed
during the current wars. The first fall semester checks for that
legislation, in fact, didn't go out until the fall of 2009 (and many
waited much longer than that to receive their checks, but that's another
story). The retraining opportunities offered by the VOW to Hire Heroes
Act was an issue Representative Mike Michaud wanted to explore and he
wanted to delve into job training, not just academic training.
House Rep Mike Michaud: I have a couple of questions. The first is
I've heard from a couple of small towns and cities and county
government, the fact that they're looking for fire fighters as well as
police officers and when you look at the unemployed in the military --
particularly for the military police -- they'd like to hire veterans.
Under the VOW Act, what are you doing to help encourage municipal towns
for police officers and what's available to them? And that's my first
question. My second question is, having done several manufacturing
tours throughout my district over the past year, one of the things I
hear a lot from businesses is that they would like to hire more
employees but they found that they're not trained. When you look at the
extension patnership program, the MOST Program, I don't know if you're
familiar with it? It stands for Mobile Outreach Skill Training, it made
it's MEP, they go into these businesses and actually are willing to
train and they guarantee a job after training or else they do not get
paid for the training. Are you working with extension partnership
programs throughout the country in that regard since they do guarantee
jobs? And do you have the resources needed? So i guess both of you or
who wants to answer both of those questions?
Ortiz: Congressman, first of all -- Let's -- I want to hit your first
question first, sir. Fire fighters and police officers are on a high
demand list so as far as VRAP is concerned, this is an opportunity for
them to be able to go in there if they meet the elegiblity requirements,
sir. On the second part of that, sir, if they don't, we also have
local veterans employment representatives in each one of the One-Stop
Centers our LVERs [Local Veterans Employment Representatives] who go
outreach and make sure and talk to different employers and places to
help them find the skilled person that they're looking for. So our
One-Stops are a very important piece of getting that outreach part and
also local communities, that is the biggest piece of what we are talking
about, working with the communities as much as possible to get that
information to us so that way we can find the proper individuals to help
them fill their needs.
House Rep Mike Michaud: And what type of a benefit will a local
community receive since they are tax exempt? Is there any specific
training piece or is there any other benefit under the VOW Act that will
be beneficial for the communities?
Ortiz: Actually sir -- You know what, I'm not really sure on the
specifics on that, sir. But I'll be more than happy to find out.
US House Rep Mike Michaud: Okay.
Hickey: Congress Michaud, let me just tell you how we have generally
worked with the education programs in relation to this -- especially the
non-degree programs which we started thanks to this Committee and the
Senate Veterans Committee's support from the first of October of last
year when we were allowed to use GI Bill benefits towards non-degree
efforts. We still require your state approving agency to certify the
training. And if you have on in everyone of the states, I would highly
recommend that the counties contact the state approving agencies and
submit their training program to them and let them go through their
normal process, certify it and then I can -- I can cover them under GI
Bill or VRAP for either one.
Ortiz: As far as the MOST, sir, the MOST Program, I'm going to turn
it over to Ms. Kathy Tran. She works specifically on those issues.
Tran: Sir, regarding our partnership. We have a federal partnership
with the US Dept of Commerce and the MEP Program and we have been
encouraging local partnerships in communities and regions across the
country to partner between the workforce system and MEPs in order to
support employment in the manufacturing arena. And we actually issued a
training guidance letter or notice -- I can't remember which one, we
can get back to you on that -- recently to encourage those partnerships
and that letter included examples of existing successful partnerships at
various different levels whether it be working with MEPs on layoff
aversion strategies or working with MEPs to help fulfill, you know, job
openings and training. But also just to add to the question earlier,
One Stop Career Centers are available to help local muncipalities in
their hiring so they can work to help do recruitment, to do job
screening, to do post job openings and so that is a good relationship
between the One Stop Career Centers and those muncipalities. Many local
webs have good representation from their city and county councils and
These are highlights from the
hearing that I'm choosing because they go to issues that may require
further attention. US House Rep Jerry McNerney raised a very important
issue in his questioning. It needed to be explored further but was
instead dismissed.
US House Rep Jerry
McNerney: I don't think the VA is doing enough to outreach, I don't
think just for this program, there seems to be a reluctance to go to the
media, to advertise on TV, to put up billboards. I'd like to see the
VA do more of that, in general. Especially in this case.
Hickey: Congressman, I appreciate your comments and your questions. I
will say that we have been to the media quite extensively, in the print
media and have gotten it out that way, quite extensively. The -- I
don't know about billboards except to say that we have a lot of veterans
in many, many communities and it would be difficult to figure out the
expense associated with a billboard in a single community. We would
start to, I think,
create some discussion around funding
that would be a little bit untenable. We have been online. I have
literally done, as has the Secretary done on camera interviews about
veteran employment issues and about the opportunity for education to
help those employment opportunities. And I know that Secretary Ortiz'
Secretary [Hilda Solis] has done that as well so I will let him comment
further on that but we have reached out quite extensively through lots
of media different environments including 75 newspapers nationwide for
those communities where veterans -- the unemployment rate for veterans
is the most -- is the highest. We're not stopping.
US House Rep Jerry McNerney: So what kind of budget does the VA have for media outreach.
Hickey: Well Congressman McNerney, we are -- We are actually trying to
be good stewards here. So we are leveraging our current network
operation, we are leveraging the good will of communities and newspapers
and others to get this word out as well including all the military
alumni groups, all the -- the Military Times are carrying this for free,
many of the local newspapers are carrying this for free --
US House Rep Jerry McNerney: So in other words, you don't have a budget specifically for outreach?
Hickey: Congresmman McNerney, I've not found the need at this point in
time especially when, in very short order, we have over 12,000
applicants and they're growing every single day. Yesterday, it was
11,000 as the Chairman well noted, today it's twelve. If in fact we do
require, I will be happy to come and share that need with you.
"Military Times" -- that's a publication. Elsewhere, she noted them as
well as Air Force Times, Federal Times, Marine Corps Times, Army Times and Navy Times. I want to be sure they get their credit. The Philadelphia Inquirer was mentioned elsewhere in the hearing as was USA Today, the Fayetteville Observer, the San Antonio Express News and the Wall St. Journal. Those newspapers had all run the VA's notice and run it for free. They deserve credit and praise for their public service.
McNerney is correct, there should be a budget. If he had more time, it
would have been interesting if Hickey could have answered how many
turned them down? Or how many people they had to speak to at the Wall
St. Journal? And how much time was used on this?
point here is that just because the VA did not spend money paying for
advertisement, money was still spent in that staff had to call around.
And I'm sure they got rejections. I'm also sure they got, "This is
great but you need to speak to ___." So how much time was used?
should be a budget and I don't think the VA has staff that can afford
additional duties. The backlog at the VA is so huge -- backlog on
claims processing (but really backlog on anything) -- that I don't
understand how they're able to work on this and claim money was saved.
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