Thursday, August 08, 2024

Google censors to help elect Donald Trump

I'm about to post Mike's post that got censored by Google.  They put it behind a wall.  

Read it and find one damn thing wrong with it.  You won't.  

Here's what Mike typed:


Skidmarks Vance has to be the worst vice presidential candidate in US history.  More and more, it seems like Donald Trump had a death wish and that's why he chose Skidmarks.  He's one problem after another.  Aila Slisco (NEWSWEEK) reports:


Bitter Skidmarks.  He is the joke of the country.    He's a fake and the whole world knows it. Jason Wilson (GUARDIAN) reports:


America can always smell a fake ass -- especially when it's covered in, yes, Skidmarks!  Greg Evans (INDY 100) notes:


Kamala and Tim drew a crowd.  Skidmarks is crowd repellant.  Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling (THE NEW REPUBLIC) observes


That's all Mike wrote.  It's Thursday night, we do a roundtable for the gina & krista round-robin and then anyone posting rushes to pull together a post.  

That's what Mike wrote.  And he's censored because of it. 


The rest of his post?  That's excerpts from THE WASHINGTON POST and other reputable media outlets.

They censored that.

Apparently Google is trying to elect Donald Trump -- as well as stamping out freedom of speech.

Because when you go to read Mike's post, you get this:

Sensitive Content Warning

This post may contain sensitive content. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Community Guildelines.

I UNDERSTAND AND I WISH TO CONTINUE I do not wish to continue

I'm not in the damn mood, Google.

Here's Mike's post in full and there was no reason to censor it except for the fact that Google is trying to elect Donald Trump.

 Skidmarks -- GOOGLE's hiding this post because GOOGLE Supports The GOP and Project 2025


Skidmarks Vance has to be the worst vice presidential candidate in US history.  More and more, it seems like Donald Trump had a death wish and that's why he chose Skidmarks.  He's one problem after another.  Aila Slisco (NEWSWEEK) reports:

The "rags to riches" story that Ohio Republican Senator JD Vance presented in his 2016 memoir Hillbilly Elegy has been panned as an endorsement of "endless resentment" in an opinion article published by The Columbus Dispatch.

Vance, now the 2024 running mate of former President Donald Trumpdescribes his upbringing in "an Ohio steel town that has been hemorrhaging jobs and hope for as long as I can remember" in the book, while attempting to explain white working class voters in similar areas shifting support from Democrats to Republicans in recent decades.

In the opinion piece published by the Dispatch on Wednesday, Ohio Northern University English professor Douglas Dowland argues that the book, which also details Vance's rise from a poor background to Yale Law School, "lacks the charitable embrace of those in need."

"Instead, Vance uses his rags-to-riches story to write an America of 'us' versus 'them,' a world of endless resentment," Dowland writes. "In his younger years, Vance was well aware of the power of resentment ... Yet as the memoir unfolds, the danger of resentment is something that he gradually forgets."

"In one of his first jobs, he comes to see fellow co-workers as 'immune to hard work,'" he continues. "And as he slowly moves from rags to riches himself, his resentment only multiplies ... As he grows richer, he seems to find more flaws in his fellow citizens."

Dowland goes on to tie Hillbilly Elegy to Vance's transformation after the memoir was published, when the future senator went from pondering whether Trump was "America's Hitler" to frequently praising the former president as his running mate.

Bitter Skidmarks.  He is the joke of the country.    He's a fake and the whole world knows it. Jason Wilson (GUARDIAN) reports:

JD Vance’s investments reveal potential contradictions between the political persona he has sought to project, his history as a venture capitalist and Peter Thiel acolyte, and his status as a hard-edged tribune of the so-called “new right”.

Companies he has invested in include a firm that carries out medical testing of therapies that may include stem cells in scientific research to tech firms with records of harvesting data. Vance and some of the people behind the various firms he is involved with also exhibit an obsession with references to the mythology around The Lord of the Rings’ fantasy world.

The revelations come in part from an analysis of his financial disclosures to the Senate ethics committee since 2022, first as a Senate candidate and then as a junior senator for Ohio. The Guardian’s reporting also drew on other public records and open source materials.

[. . .]

Several Vance investments involve cutting-edge biotech startups, whose research and commercial activities may conflict with Vance’s stated Catholic religious beliefs, and his advocacy of positions like total abortion bans.

Perhaps the most controversial of these to date is AmplifyBio, a startup founded in 2021 to develop “next generation cell and gene therapies”.

 According to his disclosures, between his investment company, Narya Capital, and his own personal holdings, Vance has between $51,000 and $115,000 invested in the company. (In ethics declarations, senators and Senate candidates declare investments as being within particular ranges, rather than declaring precise figures.)

America can always smell a fake ass -- especially when it's covered in, yes, Skidmarks!  Greg Evans (INDY 100) notes:

JD Vance's campaign to become vice president hasn't gotten off the greatest start after being mocked with a succession of memes about couches and dolphins and now wrestling after holding a rally at the former ECW Arena in Philadelphia.
Vance was picked to be Donald Trump's running mate in July but hasn't endeared himself to the masses due to a series of gaffes and controversial quotes.

The Ohio senator would have presumed that his first campaign stop in Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia's 2300 Arena would have been a fairly routine affair but he maybe should have done a bit more research into the history of the venue.

To many people, mostly wrestling fans, the 2300 Arena is better known as the 'ECW Arena' which was predominantly used by the professional wrestling company Extreme Championship Wrestling between 1993 and 2000.

For the uninitiated, ECW was a wrestling promotion that was an alternative to the mainstream pomp of WWE and WCW in the 1990s and had a strong emphasis on weapons-based, or 'hardcore' wrestling as well as putting a great deal of focus on other wrestling styles from around the globe including Mexico and Japan.

The ECW Arena was their primary venue during their existence but such is its legacy that it continues to be used by wrestling companies to this day including CZW, IWA-MS, MLW and Chikara.

According to WHYY, Vance pulled a crowd of "more than 200" at the arena, which is likely less than the same amount of people that saw the infamous Samoa Joe versus Necro Butcher match in 2005.

Due to the niche venue for Vance's campaign stop, numerous jokes about the arena's wrestling connection were shared on social media, making reference to ECW's history.

"Jeez, only 200 in the ECW arena. That's like after they lost their TNN deal," joked one person.

Another added: "My take from JD Vance only drawing 200 to the ECW Arena is that Trump should have picked Justin Credible instead."

"Vance couldn’t fill the ECW arena. Sub-Sandman numbers," a third quipped.

Fittingly, across town at the Kamala Harris-Tim Walz rally at the much larger Temple University, Vance's name was greeted with 'he's a weirdo' chants, not unlike the kind of chants that you hear at a wrestling event.

Kamala and Tim drew a crowd.  Skidmarks is crowd repellant.  Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling (THE NEW REPUBLIC) observes

That’s in stark contrast to other recent vice presidential nominees, who all managed to keep their heads above water in the weeks following their nominations.

Voting blocs that have turned away en masse from Vance include women, independents, and Black voters. His favorability with those groups has tanked by double digits, according to The Washington Post. Vance’s reputation has also collapsed with college-educated voters, with whom his image has declined by 28 percent, according to an August Marist poll.

But confusingly, Trump has continued to send Vance out to campaign events all week, while the Republican presidential nominee has remained largely out of the public eye. Given Vance’s low appeal, it’s unclear how this strategy helps the campaign.

Vance’s numbers overall and with many of these groups are now similar to Trump’s. That might make logical sense given the two are on the same ticket. But in the recent past, even running mates of unpopular nominees have generally been popular — including Mike Pence in 2020, and both Pence and Tim Kaine in 2016.
Vance isn’t getting that same benefit of the doubt. Instead, his status as a historically unpopular running mate appears to be cementing.

Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

Thursday, August 8, 2024.  The GOP trots out another tired strategy to discredit the Democratic presidential ticket.  with them, it always is the same old thing.

Team Kamala Harris is gearing up with multiple in-person events this week and, today alone, six zoom phone banks and training alone.  Unlike Kamala Harris, the GOP has an elderly man in charge as their candidate and terms like "memes" and "viral" sailed right over Donald Trump's head and he instead insisted they send his ridiculous pick for a running mate -- JD "Skidmarks" Vance -- as a stalker, following Kamala and her running mate Tim Walz around.  Skidmarks must be Donald Trump's idea of a groupie.  

And you have to feel sorry for Skidmarks.  Especially if you have eye sight and vision, you have to feel sorry for him as they use him, the fat man who wore Spanx during the GOP convention and wears eyeliner daily,  to attack Tim Walz's service.  "When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did?  He dropped out of the army and allowed his unit to go without him, a fact that he's been criticized for aggressively by a lot of people that he served with."  Two people have criticized him for leaving the National Guard at the end of the four years.  Idiots -- Ann covered one idiot last night and she's right -- especially abut the man needing a breast reduction.  Tim  served 24 years.  Following 9/11, he re-enlisted for four more years.  After that?  He retired.  That's not "dropping out."  He didn't go AWOL.  He served 24 years. 

"As a Marine who served his country in uniform," JD Vance boasted of himself yesterday.  Huh?

You may have played dress up -- did the Marines let you wear eyeliner in Iraq? -- but stop with the service nonsense.  You 'served' in Iraq as a journalist.  Stop pretending otherwise.  As Elaine rightly noted last week:

Let me get this right, Skidmarks Vance who tries to play combat veteran to the public, was actually in Iraq for six months as "a military journalist."  From WIKIPEDIA:

After graduating from Middletown High School in 2003,[19] Vance enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and served in Iraq as a combat correspondent for six months in late 2005.[20] He was part of the Public Affairs section of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing[21][22] and said that his service "taught me how to live like an adult" and that he was "lucky to escape any real fighting".[23] His decorations included the Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal and Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.[20]

He's not a combat veteran.  He's a joke.  He 'served' in Iraq . . . as a journalist.  What?  The USO was full?  

What a joke.  Everything about the Trump-Vance ticket is a fraud.

As Paul Rudnick noted:

Skidmarks is worthless.   Chris Hayes addressed the GOP's latest desperation move.

It really reminds me of "The cowardly Caitlin Johnstone."  As Betty rightly notes in her post, Australian Caitlin Johnstone refuses to call out her own government for anything -- like blogger Luke before her -- but can't stop bashing leaders of other countries.  That's not bravery, that's cowardice. 

I could have spent every day in the last decades here calling out some ruler in Iran or Uganda or Italy or wherever.  That's not hard for me to do from the safety of another country.  You're a coward when you look elsewhere for abuses while ignoring the ones in your own country.  

It's a point that even that old whore Glory Hole Greenwald grasps.  

But Caitlin doesn't.  Neither does Skidmarks.

He's going to infer that Tim Walz is a coward based on 24 years of service in the National Guard and no one's supposed to notice that the man he's on the ticket with, Donald Trump, never served in the US military? 
March of 1965 is when US Marines began arriving in South Vietnam as combat troops (US troops  arrived earlier as "advisors").  Donald was 18 years old.  Donald didn't join the military then.  As the war in Vietnam went on for years, Donald didn't join the military.

What did he do?  From WIKIPEDIA:

While in college, Trump obtained four student draft deferments during the Vietnam War.[11] In 1966, he was deemed fit for military service based on a medical examination, and in July 1968, a local draft board classified him as eligible to serve.[12] In October 1968, he was classified 1-Y, a conditional medical deferment,[13] and in 1972, he was reclassified 4-F, unfit for military service, due to bone spurs, permanently disqualifying him.[14]

The US' keyboard warrior in Iraq, Skidmarks Vance, wants to attack Tim while ignoring the realities of Donald Trump?  Yeah, taht's a Caitlin Johnstone move.  Now I have not made a big issue about Donald's avoiding military service.  I wish no American had been sent to Vietnam.  But when his cur is attacking Tim, I think it's pertinent that Donald repeatedly refused to serve in Vietnam -- four times he refused.  

When Donald was in the White House and the anonymous sourced article about him having insulted wounded veterans came out, check the archives, I defended Donald.  I said I couldn't believe any US president would say such a thing.  I defended him.  And I was wrong -- I often am.  As more have come forward, we know he did mock them, he did make fun of them.

And that does make sense.  He refused to go four times.  And that meant that others went in his space.  Unable to take a stand -- cowards never do -- Donald couldn't say, "I thought that war was wrong."  Not even to himself.  All he could say was, "I'm a scared, I'm a scared."  So seeing wounded veterans just reminds him that he is a coward.  

This really isn't a path to victory for Donald.  He should curb his bitch.  Actually, he should replace it.  But, again, coward.  Donald's a coward.  To replace Vance on the ticket would require the kind of strength of character that Donald Trump has never once in his life displayed.

Turning to the Middle East, let's note this from yesterday's DEMOCRACY NOW!

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, with Juan González.

We look now at how the Middle East is bracing for a possible broader regional war after Hamas’s top political leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran and a top Hezbollah commander was assassinated in Beirut last week. Israel took credit for the Beirut strike and has been widely accused of being behind the Haniyeh killing.

On Tuesday, Hamas named Yahya Sinwar to be the group’s new political leader replacing Haniyeh. Yahya Sinwar has served as Hamas’s top leader in Gaza since 2017, is credited with being the mastermind of the October 7th attack on Israel that killed more than 1,100 people.

For more on boiling tensions in the region, we go to Croatia, where we are joined by Jeremy Scahill of Drop Site News. His recent piece is headlined “'Something came from the outside': An Eyewitness Account of the Aftermath of Ismail Haniyeh’s Assassination.”

Jeremy, welcome back to Democracy Now! Can you start off by finding out who you spoke to and what you found out?

JEREMY SCAHILL: Well, Amy, first, let’s set the scene here. Benjamin Netanyahu, the week before these assassinations, had celebrated his victory tour in the United States, where he not only stood before the U.S. Congress and got repeated standing ovations as though he was on some sort of a bloody bizarro version, you know, world version of a concert, where he was celebrating his genocidal war and receiving generous applause from both Democrats and Republicans, and he not only met with the sitting president, but also Kamala Harris, as well as Donald Trump, and the message that he heard from all three of them was that they were ironclad in their support for what they characterized as Israel’s security. Now, there was some difference in how each of those three people interacted with Netanyahu, but the most important thing for people to remember is that all three of them firmly support the bipartisan U.S. policy, which has led to this genocidal, scorched-earth war against the Palestinians of Gaza.

So, Netanyahu then comes back to Israel and immediately greenlights a series of assassinations. You have the killing in Beirut of Fuad Shukr, who was a senior Hezbollah commander. Also killed in that strike, we understand, was an Iranian military adviser to Hezbollah. And that was followed, just some hours later, by the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’s political bureau. And Haniyeh had just returned back to a guest residence that is housed within a compound in northern Tehran that is controlled and guarded by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, the most elite military force in the country.

I spoke to Dr. Khaled Qaddoumi, who is Hamas’s senior representative in Tehran and also a member of its Arab and Muslim world outreach division of Hamas. He was on the second floor of this building. You know, they call it a guesthouse, but it’s basically like an apartment complex. And Dr. Qaddoumi was on the second floor. Ismail Haniyeh and his bodyguard were on the fourth floor. Dr. Qaddoumi described to me how he had not gone to the state dinner, which was held in honor of Iran inaugurating its new president. Ismail Haniyeh was there, as were many leaders from the region. Haniyeh gets back to the guest complex around 11:30. Dr. Qaddoumi and others gather with Haniyeh. He says that they were discussing the assassination of Fuad Shukr in Lebanon and what they were assessing might be the regional implications for a broader war and Netanyahu’s game plan. And then they retired to their rooms to go to sleep.

And Dr. Qaddoumi described hearing a massive shaking of the building. And he, you know, was disoriented, woke up, didn’t know what it was. He thought at first maybe there had been an earthquake on what he said was a kind of great scale. He gets out of the bedroom and just sees smoke. He discovers that the bathroom walls and part of the ceiling had collapsed in the room where he was. He goes out into the hallway. Other members of the Hamas delegation told him that there had been some sort of a strike on Ismail Haniyeh’s apartment.

Dr. Qaddoumi, who is a medical doctor, ran then up to the fourth floor, and he entered the guest suite where Ismail Haniyeh had been staying, and he discovered the body of Ismail Haniyeh, as well as his bodyguard. And he described to me seeing what appeared to be a massive hole in the exterior wall. It also had some windows. But he said it appeared to him as though some sort of a missile or other projectile had crashed into the room from the outside and that that was what had in fact killed Ismail Haniyeh.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And, Jeremy, what do you make of the New York Times report that came out a few days later claiming that the explosion was a result of a bomb that had been smuggled into that residence months earlier? And, of course, that report was from Ronen Bergman, who is the New YorkTimes reporter probably most — closest to Israeli intelligence.

JEREMY SCAHILL: Yeah, Juan, that’s correct. You know, Israel has been clearly spinning a narrative. In fact, today, some of the top Israeli propagandists on social media have been pushing more details about this story, and they say that Mossad was able to coopt Iranians to go into the guest complex and plant these explosives. And they say that the perpetrators of the bombing of Haniyeh were captured on CCTV.

And Ronen Bergman was the first to report this in The New York Times, and he has a very long history of reporting on Mossad activities. He has close ties to Israeli intelligence. He wrote a book called Rise and Kill First, which is about the history of Israel’s assassination program. And really, this narrative is something that is sort of like pulled from the script pages of the series Tehran, the Israeli show about a covert Israeli agent who is operating inside of Iran trying to take down a nuclear reactor.

Now, I should say, in the interest of accuracy and fairness, we don’t know exactly what happened there. It is plausible that what is being promoted by The New York Times and, you know, Israeli propagandists is largely the truth, that they were able to penetrate the building, that they planted these explosives. The Iranians, though, have pushed back very, very strongly against that. They say that some sort of a projectile hit the building. In fact, Juan, within hours of the explosion inside of Haniyeh’s guest suite, Iranian news services were already saying that some sort of a projectile was seen hitting the building.

So, you know, it’s possible that what is being stated about a bomb being planted there is true. The Iranians are pushing back against it. Not just Dr. Qaddoumi from Hamas, but other eyewitnesses also described damage to the scene that appears consistent with a missile or a rocket or some sort of projectile hitting it. There’s been discussion that Israeli intelligence was able to penetrate either the mobile phone of Ismail Haniyeh or his bodyguard and that they were able to use tracking malware to pinpoint a precision missile strike against him. There have been reports that Ismail Haniyeh’s entire upper body was destroyed, which could either be consistent with a bomb under a bed that exploded or a missile directly hitting him if he was near his phone. So, we don’t know.

What we do know is that the Iranians are in a position to release forensic evidence. Presumably, in an IRGC compound, they also have video surveillance capabilities. We know that they did have counterespionage facilities there, as well as radar and, presumably, countermissile technology in the area. So, either way you slice it, though, this is very bad for Iran, because it indicates a security breach. Yes, it would probably be worse if they were able to penetrate the ranks of the IRGC and convert Iranians into agents. But the mere fact that Israel was able to do this assassination on Iranian soil is a very, very bad thing for Iran. And that lends some legitimacy to the fact that they’re saying that it was a missile strike, because even admitting that is very, very bad. But at the end of the day, the Iranians are in the best position to present evidence to the world of what happened.

I must say, though, that while this discussion is relevant — how did Israel assassinate thew leader of Hamas, the top negotiator in a process that Joe Biden is claiming is so central, that he wants a ceasefire right now — every time we talk about this or what the Israelis have succeeded in doing is distracting from the fact that the genocide in Gaza continues, that Netanyahu is serving as the chief arsonist in the Middle East, that he’s trying to draw the United States into war with Iran, that he’s trying to draw the United States into war with Hezbollah.

And, you know, for all the talk of Western countries about how Iran needs to show restraint, the truth is, and this is just a fact — it’s not politically correct to say it, but it’s factual — both Iran and Hezbollah, given what they’ve been facing, have already shown quite a bit of restraint. And the last time the Iranians responded to the Israelis was when Israel, on April 1st, launched a strike inside of Syria, in Damascus. They bombed the Iranian Consulate. They killed a dozen people. About half of them were IRGC personnel. Yes, Iran rained missiles down on Israel and sent fleets of drones toward Israel, but they did it in a highly telegraphed manner that allowed the United States and other countries to amass a very effective countermissile defense operation. I believe one person was killed in that Iranian missile strike.

So, you know, the devil is often in the details here. It’s very clear that Netanyahu has no intention of engaging in a ceasefire. He’s going to continue with the genocide in Gaza. And he really wanted to strike not just at Hamas, but, in many ways, this was a very bold operation to tell Iran, “We can strike whenever and wherever we want against you.”

AMY GOODMAN: We just have less than a minute, Jeremy, but your response to the latest news that Hamas has chosen Yahya Sinwar to replace Ismail Haniyeh, of course, who was assassinated and was the chief negotiator with Israel around the issue of a ceasefire?

JEREMY SCAHILL: My sources, Amy, have told me — within Hamas, have told me that this was a wartime decision, that they didn’t have time to assemble the full Shura Council and that the only sensible decision they could make was to fully support the on-the-ground commander of the military operations, which right now is Yahya Sinwar. This is also in line with recent polls that they’ve done in the Palestinian Occupied Territories that indicate that the popularity of Sinwar and Hamas, in general, are rising as the popularity of Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority are going down. It’s a statement that they understand Israel wants to fight to, quote-unquote, “total victory,” and they’re going to continued their operations, which they feel have been successful militarily in repelling and causing great harm to the Israeli military.

AMY GOODMAN: Jeremy Scahill, we want to thank you so much for being with us, of Drop Site News. We’ll link to your recent piece headlined “'Something came from the outside': An Eyewitness Account of the Aftermath of Ismail Haniyeh’s Assassination.” Jeremy is former senior reporter and correspondent at The Intercept.

More than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and the occupied West Bank since the start of Israel's war on the enclave, which entered its eleventh month on Wednesday, according to the latest death toll provided by Gaza health authorities.

Israeli attacks in the West Bank have killed 620 people, including 145 children and nine women, the Palestinian Health Ministry said.

In Gaza, the death toll rose to 39,699, with more than 91,700 injured since the war broke out on October 7 after a Hamas attack on Israel that killed about 1,200 people.

The ministry says most of the deaths there have been of women and children.

Today, Human Rights Watch released the following:

Israeli forces stormed a Gaza City home on December 21, 2023, throwing grenades inside and opening fire on a room where a civilian family was sheltering, Human Rights Watch said today.

The attack killed seven people, including a pregnant woman, and severely injured two, including a 5-year-old. Witnesses also allege that Israeli forces shot a blind 73-year-old man after securing the building and forcing all other family members out. The incident should be investigated as a possible war crime, and forces involved should be held accountable.

“There is no excuse for soldiers storming into a home full of civilians and firing without precaution,” said Belkis Wille, associate crisis, conflict, and arms director at Human Rights Watch. “They decimated a Palestinian family and orphaned a small child who may never be able to walk again.”

Human Rights Watch interviewed three al-Khalidi family members, two who witnessed the attack and were interviewed over the phone, and in June 2024 they met with Faisal, the injured 5-year-old, in Qatar, where he was receiving medical care. Researchers also analyzed a video uploaded to the Israeli armed forces’ X (formerly known as Twitter) account, IDFonline, parts of which were verified as having been filmed between December 20 and 21. It shows Israeli soldiers and armored vehicles in the vicinity but no ongoing fighting or soldiers coming under fire.

Mohammed al-Khalidi, 40, and Mu’min al-Khalidi, 21, cousins, said that in the night between December 20 and 21, a munition hit a home in Sheikh Radwan, in north Gaza City, near five schools sheltering displaced people. Mohammed, Mu’min, and 29 other family members were in the house next door, having fled their homes following an evacuation phone call from the Israeli military. They said that Mohammed’s sister-in-law Fatma al-Khalidi, 32, who was seven months pregnant, suffered a broken leg during the munition attack.

About 30 minutes after the attack, Mohammed said, Israeli forces arrived with armored vehicles and bulldozers. “We looked out and saw them smashing windows, running over cars with their tanks, destroying electricity lines, destroying everything else they could,” Mohammed said. Many residents of the area fled south, but the al-Khalidis did not, as older family members were unable to flee quickly. Both said no one in the house was armed or had any ties to an armed group, nor did they know of any fighters in the vicinity at the time.

At about noon the following day, both Mu’min and Mohammed said, Israeli forces fired munitions at the first floor of their building. Then, at about 5 p.m., over a dozen Israeli soldiers rammed through the gate into the yard and, without warning or provocation, tossed a grenade through a window of the home’s empty front room. After, Mohammed said, soldiers threw another grenade into the house’s main corridor, proceeded down it, kicked down a door and threw at least 2 more grenades into a room in which 12 people were sheltering, including Mu’min and Mohammed.

Both said when they heard soldiers approaching, they had grabbed their identity documents and were holding them up in their hands. Mu’min said he was injured and fell to the ground against the wall, with his uncle Amjad al-Khalidi, 42, on top of him.

The women screamed and a soldier entered and opened automatic rifle fire on everyone, both men said. Fatma, who was killed, along with her husband, Ahmed, was holding Faisal, who was seriously injured. When the shooting stopped, Fatma’s 6-year-old son, Adam, ran out of the room on seeing his father, Mohammed’s brother, Ahmed al-Khalidi, 34, “lying on the floor in a puddle of blood, like a slaughtered sheep,” Mohammed said. Adam was uninjured.

The cousins said the attack killed seven members of the family: Fatma; Ahmed; Mohammed’s brothers-in-law Shaaban Abu Jabal, 33, and Adham Abu Jabal, 20; and Nawal al-Khalidi, 70, and her children Raed al-Khalidi, 49, and Amjad al-Khalidi.

“One soldier said in Arabic, ‘Whoever is alive, stand up,’” Mohammed said. “I stood and he looked at me and said, ‘You survived, you fucker didn’t you?’ They took me outside and scanned my face with a machine.”

Abd Rabu al-Khalidi, Nawal’s 73-year-old husband, who was blind and uninjured, did not leave the room. Other family members – all children and women – who had been sheltering in a different room were also ordered outside by the soldiers. Mohammed said soldiers strip-searched the surviving men and searched the women and children. They asked where the original residents of the house were, and Mohammed said they didn’t know.

Then, Mohammed said, “We heard bullets being fired inside. I think that’s when they killed whoever had survived inside. They told us, ‘Your last chance to live is to walk in a line behind that soldier.’ We asked, ‘Where are you taking us?’ He said, ‘Shut up and just walk behind him.’”

Mu’min had also been unable to leave the room. “I couldn’t move, and I couldn’t hear anything because the explosions made me temporarily lose my hearing,” he said. “I quickly lost consciousness.” When he came to the next day, he realized he was lying under a pile of bodies.

“There are no words to describe what I felt,” he said. “All I want to know is why? Why did I have to live though such a massacre? Why did I lose all these people? What did we do to deserve all this? There were no resistance fighters in the house, no weapons of any kind, just civilians.”

Metal fragments from the explosion had wounded Mu’min in his knee, calf and foot, and a bullet hit his thigh. He said that when he regained consciousness, he was able to reach for a bottle of water, but soon lost consciousness again, and only was able to revive himself and drag himself out from under the bodies the following day, able only to move his hands. By this point Abd Rabu had been killed, apparently once soldiers reentered the house after evacuating Mohammed and others.

Mohammed found Mu’min when he returned four days later with a doctor to retrieve the bodies. “The legs of Amjad, Raed, and Shaaban had been shattered by the grenade explosion,” Mohammed said. “They looked like mincemeat, and metal fragments had pierced Ahmed in the stomach and neck. I saw Fatma’s belly and face full of metal fragments. Blood was sprayed all over the wall. Adham had a bullet wound that went in through his jaw and exited the back of his head…. Abd Rabu was also dead, with bullet wounds.”

Mohammed said he found over 60 bullet casings in the house.

Faisal had four surgeries in Gaza for ruptured intestines, a punctured bladder, and multiple hip fractures, and three more in Qatar. Six months after the attack, a plaster cast encased him from the waist to the top of his legs. Doctors say he may never walk again. Abdulhafith al-Khalidi, Faisal’s uncle and now his guardian, who accompanied him to Doha, said the attack had dramatically changed the child: “[Faisal] used to be so social and outgoing. He was always independent, running around and talking to new people. He was never afraid. Now if I go to the other room, he starts calling for me. He can never be left alone.”

Mu’min said he has not received clearance to leave Gaza and remains in the north with no medication, his injuries largely untreated, including multiple ruptured tendons.

Surviving al-Khalidi family members identified the house where the attack took place on a map. Human Rights Watch analyzed a video made up of seven clips posted online by the Israeli military on December 24. One shows Israeli forces operating less than 160 meters from the home the al-Khalidis identified.

The Israeli military report accompanying the video said the units appearing in the video are the 13th Shayetet and 401st Brigade. Human Rights Watch established that at least one clip from the video was filmed between the morning of December 20 and late afternoon on December 21. It shows at least 17 Israeli military personnel outside the Al-Taqwa Mosque, 170 meters southwest of the home.

In the same X post, the Israeli military posted a photograph and said it raided a school, which Human Rights Watch located on the opposite side of the street, and found a cache of weapons and explosives. The Israeli authorities have not publicly provided any further information about the attack. Additionally, they did not respond to a July 15 Human Rights Watch letter summarizing its findings and requesting specific information about the incident.

“This incident highlights the deadly cost of Israeli forces’ failure to safeguard, and in some cases to apparently target civilian lives in Gaza, including children,” Wille said. “Other governments should press the Israeli government to end unlawful attacks, and avoid complicity in possible war crimes by halting arms transfers to Israel.”

Gaza remains under assault. Day 307 of  the assault in the wave that began in October.  Binoy Kampmark (DISSIDENT VOICE) points out, "Bloodletting as form; murder as fashion.  The ongoing campaign in Gaza by Israel’s Defence Forces continues without stalling and restriction.  But the burgeoning number of corpses is starting to become a challenge for the propaganda outlets:  How to justify it?  Fortunately for Israel, the United States, its unqualified defender, is happy to provide cover for murder covered in the sheath of self-defence."   CNN has explained, "The Gaza Strip is 'the most dangerous place' in the world to be a child, according to the executive director of the United Nations Children's Fund."  ABC NEWS quotes UNICEF's December 9th statement, ""The Gaza Strip is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child. Scores of children are reportedly being killed and injured on a daily basis. Entire neighborhoods, where children used to play and go to school have been turned into stacks of rubble, with no life in them."  NBC NEWS notes, "Strong majorities of all voters in the U.S. disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of foreign policy and the Israel-Hamas war, according to the latest national NBC News poll. The erosion is most pronounced among Democrats, a majority of whom believe Israel has gone too far in its military action in Gaza."  The slaughter continues.  It has displaced over 1 million people per the US Congressional Research Service.  Jessica Corbett (COMMON DREAMS) points out, "Academics and legal experts around the world, including Holocaust scholars, have condemned the six-week Israeli assault of Gaza as genocide."   The death toll of Palestinians in Gaza is grows higher and higher.  United Nations Women noted, "More than 1.9 million people -- 85 per cent of the total population of Gaza -- have been displaced, including what UN Women estimates to be nearly 1 million women and girls. The entire population of Gaza -- roughly 2.2 million people -- are in crisis levels of acute food insecurity or worse."   THE NATIONAL notes, "At least 39,699 Palestinians have been killed and 91,722 others injured in Israel's war on Gaza since October 7, the enclave's Health Ministry said on Thursday.  In the past 24 hours, 22 people were killed and 77 injured, the ministry added." Months ago,  AP  noted, "About 4,000 people are reported missing."  February 7th, Jeremy Scahill explained on DEMOCRACY NOW! that "there’s an estimated 7,000 or 8,000 Palestinians missing, many of them in graves that are the rubble of their former home."  February 5th, the United Nations' Phillipe Lazzarini Tweeted:


April 11th, Sharon Zhang (TRUTHOUT) reported, "In addition to the over 34,000 Palestinians who have been counted as killed in Israel’s genocidal assault so far, there are 13,000 Palestinians in Gaza who are missing, a humanitarian aid group has estimated, either buried in rubble or mass graves or disappeared into Israeli prisons.  In a report released Thursday, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said that the estimate is based on initial reports and that the actual number of people missing is likely even higher."

The following sites updated:

Monday, August 05, 2024










The slaughter in Gaza continues and does so with the US State Dept attempting to cover its eye and ears to reality.  Let's drop back to yesterday's State Dept press briefing conducted by spokesperson Vedant Patel. 

QUESTION: Okay. And last thing. I want to just bring to your attention that an Israeli lawmaker was asked about the alleged rape of the Palestinian detainee. And he basically says yes, it is legitimate. And as we look at the story, it is really appalling. I mean, it seems – pardon me for the graphic description that I am about to describe, but they took a cell phone and they shoved it up his gluteus maximus, all the way to the intestine, and they were calling the phone, the Israeli soldiers.

MR PATEL: Said —

QUESTION: This is documented.


QUESTION: I mean, how – don’t you find this appalling?

MR PATEL: We are aware of these concerning reports. And of course, if they are true they are appalling. The IDF itself has indicated that it is looking into these allegations, and we, of course, welcome that. It is essential that the rule of law and due process prevail. And in democracies, no one is above the law. And so we are going to let the process play out here. But of course, these reports are incredibly concerning. But there is an investigation taking place, and therefore I don’t want to offer any judgment until that process has concluded.

Isn't that interesting?  Vedant, spokesperson for the US government, and the US government's sudden reticence when it comes to discussing rape in the region?

For any who have forgotten, this is the same group that used US tax dollars and time on the American's citizen's clock to pimp lies about women raped on October 7th by Hamas -- women who never existed, women who never came forward (because they didn't exist to begin with).  But there was no talk of "an investigation is going on."  


President Joe Biden on Tuesday forcefully denounced the reported rape and sexual violence against Israeli girls and women by Hamas militants following the Oct. 7 attack on Israel, calling on the world to condemn such conduct “without equivocation” and “without exception.”

Speaking at a campaign fundraiser in Boston, Biden noted that in recent weeks, female survivors and witnesses to the attacks have shared “horrific accounts of unimaginable cruelty.”

“Reports of women raped — repeatedly raped — and their bodies being mutilated while still alive — of women corpses being desecrated, Hamas terrorists inflicting as much pain and suffering on women and girls as possible and then murdering them,” Biden said. “It is appalling.”

Israel has said it is investigating several cases of sexual assault and rape from the Hamas attack on Israel. 

Lies.  There were no women raped on October 7th during the attack. But that didn't stop the US government from condemning the mythical rapes.  There was no such reticence when it came to that.

It's only when the victims are Palestinian that the US government turns all shy Ronnie on the topic.

They were shooting their mouths off regarding a lie in December but this rape actually has a victim and it actually is reported.  Debora Patta and Tucker Reals (CBS NEWS) reported on Tuesday:

A member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party, speaking Monday at a meeting of lawmakers, justified the rape and abuse of Palestinian prisoners, shouting angrily at colleagues questioning the alleged behavior that anything was legitimate to do to "terrorists" in custody.

Lawmaker Hanoch Milwidsky was asked as he defended the alleged abuse whether it was legitimate, "to insert a stick into a person's rectum?"

"Yes!" he shouted in reply to his fellow parliamentarian. "If he is a Nukhba [Hamas militant], everything is legitimate to do! Everything!"

Israel’s military has charged a reservist with aggravated abuse of Palestinian prisoners, a spokesperson said on Tuesday, as nine other soldiers appeared in military court for an initial hearing over allegations they had sexually abused a detainee from Gaza.

The new indictment alleges that the unnamed soldier, assigned to escort handcuffed and blindfolded Palestinians, used a baton and his assault rifle to attack prisoners on multiple occasions.

He did this even though their restraints meant they posed no threat, and he made videos of the violence. “The accused used severe violence against the detainees he was entrusted with guarding,” the IDF spokesperson said.

The other soldiers detained on Monday are accused of raping and attacking a Palestinian prisoner at the Sde Teiman detention centre so violently that he was taken to hospital in critical condition, Israeli media reported. 

The new indictment alleges that the unnamed soldier, assigned to escort handcuffed and blindfolded Palestinians, used a baton and his assault rifle to attack prisoners on multiple occasions.

He did this even though their restraints meant they posed no threat, and he made videos of the violence. “The accused used severe violence against the detainees he was entrusted with guarding,” the IDF spokesperson said.

The other soldiers detained on Monday are accused of raping and attacking a Palestinian prisoner at the Sde Teiman detention centre so violently that he was taken to hospital in critical condition, Israeli media reported. His injuries included a ruptured intestine, severe injury to the anus and lungs, and broken ribs, the Israel daily Haaretz reported. A doctor who treated the man told the paper that when he saw the horrific extent of the injuries, he initially assumed they were caused by other inmates.

“I didn’t believe that an Israeli jailer would do such a thing,” said Yoel Donchin, who is also a professor at the Hadassah university hospital.

Haaretz quoted him saying: “If the state and the members of the Knesset think there is no limit to the abuse of prisoners – let them come and kill them themselves like the Nazis, or close the hospital.”

Wednesday's snapshot included this press release from the office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations Human Rights:

The UN Human Rights Office today published a report on arbitrary, prolonged and incommunicado detention by Israeli authorities, affecting thousands of Palestinians since last October. The report also covers allegations of torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, including sexual abuse of women and men.

Since 7 October, thousands of Palestinians - including medical staff, patients and residents fleeing the conflict, as well as captured fighters - have been taken from Gaza to Israel, usually shackled and blindfolded. Thousands more have been detained in the West Bank and Israel. They have generally been held in secret, without being given a reason for their detention, access to a lawyer or effective judicial review, the report states.

At least 53 Palestinian detainees are known to have died in Israeli military facilities and prisons since the horrific attacks by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups against Israeli civilians on 7 October.

The staggering number of men, women, children, doctors, journalists and human rights defenders detained since 7 October, most of them without charge or trial and held in deplorable conditions, along with reports of ill-treatment and torture and violation of due process guarantees, raises serious concerns regarding the arbitrariness and the fundamentally punitive nature of such arrests and detention, said UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk.

“The testimonies gathered by my Office and other entities indicate a range of appalling acts, such as waterboarding and the release of dogs on detainees, amongst other acts, in flagrant violation of international human rights law and international humanitarian law,” he said.

On Monday, the Israeli authorities said they were investigating a number of soldiers for allegedly abusing a Palestinian prisoner earlier this month at the Sde Teiman detention centre in the Negev desert.

In Gaza, mostly men and adolescent boys have been detained. Many have been taken into custody while sheltering in schools, hospitals and residential buildings, or at checkpoints during their displacement from north to south, the report finds.

The Israeli military does not usually explain publicly the basis for taking Palestinians into custody in Gaza, although it has in some cases alleged affiliation with Palestinian armed groups or their political wings.

Israel has also not provided information regarding the fate or whereabouts of many of those detained, and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been denied access to facilities where they are held.

Conditions in military-run detention facilities appear worse, the report states, adding children were among those held, in some cases jointly with adults.

Detainees said they were held in cage-like facilities, stripped naked for prolonged periods, wearing only diapers. Their testimonies told of prolonged blindfolding, deprivation of food, sleep and water, and being subjected to electric shocks and being burnt with cigarettes. Some detainees said dogs were released on them, and others said they were subjected to waterboarding, or that their hands were tied and they were suspended from the ceiling. Some women and men also spoke of sexual and gender-based violence.

Accounts of hostages taken by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups last October also described appalling conditions of captivity, including lack of food, water and poor sanitary conditions, and lack of fresh air and sunlight. Some described being beaten while being taken into Gaza, or seeing other hostages being beaten while in captivity; receiving surgery or stitches without anaesthetic. There were also reports of sexual and gender-based violence in captivity. In addition, the report criticises the Palestinian Authority for continuing to carry out arbitrary detention and torture or other ill-treatment in the West Bank, reportedly principally to suppress criticism and political opposition.

“International humanitarian law protects all those being held, requiring their humane treatment and protection against all acts of violence or threats thereof,” said Türk.

“International law requires that all those deprived of their liberty be treated with humanity and dignity, and it strictly prohibits torture or other ill-treatment, including rape and other forms of sexual violence. Secret, prolonged incommunicado detention may also amount to a form of torture.”

The High Commissioner reiterated his call for the immediate release of all hostages still held in Gaza. All Palestinians arbitrarily detained by Israel must be released. He also called for prompt, thorough, independent, impartial and transparent investigations into all incidents that have led to serious violations of international law; ensure that perpetrators are held accountable and that all victims and their families are provided with their right to remedy and reparations.

We could go on and on with this.  There is an actual victims (there's more than one but we're referring to the one raised in the State Dept briefing).  There is a doctor on the record.  There are witnesses, there is video. 

But the US government that repeatedly pimped the lie that women were raped during the October 7th attack now wants to play the quiet game?

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